Thursday 12 January 2017

Random Thursday Thoughts.

Hello who's reading , keeping up with me on this beautiful day , meh ??  Tbh im quite exhausted since this week had been hella awlful auchhh it's hurting me babe ( next week also ) *yawn* 😫. Have a lot to settle down . But still , i do wanna post an entry yeayy ! Talking about blogging , i dont prepare any content yet to write rn but well , im just too freaking good to bloom a word HAHAHAAHA .

By chewing some medium-size moist chocolate cake ( craving since last two weeks ) with a glass of fullcream milk , i hope they gonna trigger my brain some idea hahahahaha ( i laugh again huhh ? ) .

So i'll just babbling randomly tho . Pardon .

Lets catch an eye to this word first .
I-N-S-T-A-G-R-A-M .

' Walking ' through the instagram feeds few minutes ago scrolling stuff and good pictures which i love them , ( liking pics and stalking people's acc are what i did most lol ) . Those people do have good conscience in taking pro-pic or i will just describe them as photogenic . And of course , the upcoming views and responses would be the first thing we care about hahaha just admit it ducklings ! Hello we're sharing moments , why bother. Kfine fine hahaha . What do u expect 😂 .

Image result for say no more meme
Hii handsome hikss !

Okay move on . Next chapter .


Im not planning on writing this actually , thinking about how much i wasted my " tik-tok-time " just for blogging and sharing thoughts. Knowing myself for being superb-lazy and im controlling this little gal as much as i can . Not to disappoint , my fingers wanna hv some zumba on keyboard so let us share something HAHAHA .


👠 Not to blame myself and blaming others on small mistake ❗ . Check .
👠 Getting something cozy to cheer on . Check .
👠 Read when realizing myself dumb  . Check .
👠 Wear my fav outfit often . Check .
👠 Cursing hard when that feeling irritate me . Check .
👠 Eating like a monster . Check .
👠 Dance like no one watching . Check .
👠 Lit songs in my head like i used to . Check .
👠 Humming when im just too happy . Check  .
👠 Snuggle up tight when get tired af . Check .

Etc . 

This is how i used to treat myself  in order to create a positive better me . I do what i want . Obviously good vibes are not showing much on me, i just dont want people to have  big  expectation by seeing my external . Andwaee 💢


Yaaa i'll just stick with this one . It depends on how does each individual would act , showing their true colors. And for sure i'll just follow my desires and thangs that fancy . For short ,
I WILL JUST BE ME ( it's cliche, i did realize lulz ) . That's it .

So i think it's a wrap . Catch ya on the next life story .


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